Step n1: Choose brand/warehouse.
Steroids-USA.ORG has multiple warehouses located in USA and Europe.
USA warehouses:
1st warehouse USA: Beligas Pharma
2nd warehouse USA: Ultima Pharmaceuticals
European warehouses:
3rd warehouse EU: Deus Medical
It’s recommended to pick products from one warehouse. Why? Shipping is calculated per warehouse. So if you order products from one warehouse, you pay shipping once. If combine products from two warehouses, you pay shipping twice.
Step n. 2: Checkout.
After you successfully added products into the cart click on the checkout and continue with ordering process. Very easy, you just add address where we you wish your products to be shipped.
Step n. 3: Pay and relax.
Choose payment method.. At the moment we accept bitcoins and bank transfer. We RECOMMEND to use bitcoins or other crypto currency. Nowadays it’s very easy to purchase bitcoins online. You can do so via,,, or any other platform.
*TIP: check how much is your order’s total. Let’s say it’s 500 USD. Move too to (or other websites/app) and buy bitcoin worth of 505 USD (just in case to cover fees). Once you have bitcoins ready, go back to our website and finish the checkout process. You have the bitcoins ready so just transfer them to us provided bitcoin wallet (you’ll be given our wallet ID at the end of the checkout process). And that’s it. You’re done! 🙂