Sustanon 500 Astera Labs
More Info
Vial of Sustanon 500 with a blend of four testosterone esters at 500 mg/ml for hormonal support and performance enhancement
- Testosterone Decanoate 200mg/ml
- Testosterone Isocaproate 120mg/ml
- Testosterone Phenylpropionate 120mg/ml
- Testosterone Propionate 60mg/ml
Package Content:
1 x 10ML vial, 500 mg per ml
What Is It:
Sustanon 300 is a blend of four different testosterone esters, designed to maintain stable testosterone levels over an extended period. The combination of both short and long esters allows for rapid release and sustained effects, making it popular among users seeking testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or performance enhancement in bodybuilding.
How to Use:
- As a testosterone-based product, it has various uses, including as testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), as a standalone cycle, or as the foundation for a cycle with other substances. The dosage can vary depending on the goal, with weekly doses ranging from 100mg to 1000mg being quite common.
- Store in a cool, dry place below 30°C.
- Protect from light.
- Do not freeze