Home5Product5Testosterone No Ester 100mg/ml Astera Labs
Testosterone No Ester 100mg/ml Astera Labs
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Testosterone No Ester 100mg/ml by Astera Labs – Injectable testosterone without an ester for rapid absorption and quick results
Testosterone (No Ester) 100 mg/ml
Package Content:
1 x 10ML vial, 100 mg per ml
What Is It:
Testosterone without an ester is a pure, fast-acting form of testosterone. Due to its lack of esterification, it requires more frequent dosing compared to esterified forms like Enanthate or Cypionate. It is highly versatile and used as a base in most steroid cycles or in low doses for TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy).
How to Use:
Cycle Dosage:
Beginners: 250-300 mg per week
Intermediate Users: 400-600 mg per week
Advanced/Professional Users: 750 mg to 1 gram or more per week
Due to its short half-life, it is recommended to inject once or twice daily (ED or EOD) for stable blood levels.