Home 5 Product 5 Oxa-Med Bioniche Pharmacy (Anavar, Oxandrolone) 120tabs (10mg/tab)

Oxa-Med Bioniche Pharmacy (Anavar, Oxandrolone) 120tabs (10mg/tab)

– Manufacturer: Bioniche Pharmaceuticals

– Pack: 120 tablets (10mg/tablet)

– Chemical Substance : Oxandrolone (Anavar)

Pharmaceutical Grade Product.


9209 in stock

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ALTERNATIVE STEROID NAMES:Anavar, Oxandrolone, Oxanbol, Anatrophill, Lipidex, Lonavar, Vasorome, Oxandrin, Oxanabol, Oxandrolona, Oxandrolonum, Protivar, Oxanadrolic, Oxan 5

Strength Gains: 7/10
Mass & Weight Gains:4/10
Fat Burning:
Cutting/Definition: 6/10
Side Effects:1/10
Ability to keep Gains:9/10
Usual dosages:15 – 30 mg per day
Detection time:3 Weeks
Best combined with:
Bulking:Rarely used for bulking: Testosterone, Dianabol
Cutting:Primobolan, Winstrol, Halotestin, Proviron, Trenbolone
Beginner Use: 8/10
Female Use: 9/10
Pros:Very good cutting agent, Low side Effects, Suitable for women
Cons:High price, countefeited / UG products rarely contain Oxandrolone

Description : Oxanadrolone is an oral drug for promoting weight gain, it is also very useful for female and male athletes. Dosage of Oxandrolone is 8-12 tablets for men and 5-6 tablets for women.

Method of Administration:  Anavar is administered in oral form.

Steroid Class:   Oxandrolone is a DHT derivative, belonging to the DHT-family of steroids.

Primary Use:  Similar to Winstrol, Anavar is not a great mass-builder, but is well-suited to cutting/pre-contest usage, as well as lean-bulk cycles.  In fact, these two drugs are often used interchangeably, as both impact the appearance of the physique in very similar ways.  From a cosmetic standpoint, Anavar increases muscle hardness, muscle density, and vascularity.  Clinically speaking, Anavar has been proven to reduce bodyfat, increase bone density, enhance collagen production, and build lean muscle tissue.  While Anavar, like all methylated steroids, is prone to causing adverse alterations in one’s lipid profile, it demonstrates a reduced level of toxicity in comparison to other methylated AAS and is considered one of the mildest steroids in terms of side effects.  Anavar’s total lack of estrogenic, androgenic, and progestagenic side effects makes it an ideal drug for those who desire a pure muscle-building effect, without having to worry about things such as gynecomastia, hair loss, acne, water retention, etc.  For those of you looking to maximize your strength to bodyweight ratio, you can’t go wrong with Anavar.  When used at higher dosages, Anavar is one of the most effective pure strength drugs on the market.  This makes it useful for powerlifters and other athletes attempting to remain within a predetermined weight class.

Anabolic-Androgenic Ratio:  630:24

Aromatizable:  No.

Progestagenic Activity:  No. 

Methylated:  Yes.  Methylation serves as a protective feature of most oral AAS, allowing the molecule the pass through the liver and enter the bloodstream intact, after which it can travel to muscle tissue and exert its muscle-building effects.

Standard Dosing Range and Cycle Length:  Oxandrolone is most commonly dosed at between 40-100 mg per day for a period of 4-12 weeks in length.

Frequency of Administration:  Daily use; split into 2 equally divided doses. 

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