I'd first down testosterone from Phoenix pharmaceutical, I got an infection and cellulitis on my butt cheek where injected and went down 6in of my thigh. 2 cycles of antibiotics later it's gone.
So I got the test from belwgas, the next day it felt like a marble so I tried to pop it, and it's been sore . It did not get infected, but I will not continue with it as I'm scared of getting an infection again.
It may be a good product, but I don't know. I had ran it through four different tests from roid test, these are not not cheap tests and all of them came back positive for it being testosterone. So I'm sure it is what it's supposed to be, either I freaked out and created the soreness which I'm pretty sure is what it is because it's not infected. Probably a good product, but I don't think I'll ever know good luck guys