Home 5 Product 5 Trenbolone Acetate – 75mg/ml, 15ml/vial – Euro-Pharmacies

Trenbolone Acetate – 75mg/ml, 15ml/vial – Euro-Pharmacies

  • Supplier:Euro-Pharmacies
  • Chemical Name:Trenbolone acetate
  • Comes In: 15ml vial – 75 mg/ml
  • Dosage: 50mg-100mg /EOD
  • Active time: 2 days
  • Class:Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid


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Trenbolone Acetate

History:  Trenbolone acetate was originally sold Finaject; an American injectable veterinary preparation widely used by BB’rs in the 80’s.  It has now been over 20 years since it was voluntarily discontinued by the manufacturer, but it remains a subject of topic of conversation to this day.  Also known as Finaplix, this form of Trenbolone acetate was produced as an implantable pellet, as a means of increasing lean meat yield in the cattle industry.

Of course, BB’rs immediately took steps to convert this crude form of trenbolone into injectable drug through the use of what have been termed “conversion kits”.  While unsterile and often leading to abscess & infection, this remained a popular practice for many years, largely due to its cheap price.  These days, this method of extraction is wholly unnecessary, as the availability of Trenbolone acetate on the blackmarket is high and the cost low.

Method administration:   Trenbolone acetate is administered in injectable form.

Drug Class:  Trenbolone acetate belongs to the 19-nor family of steroids.

Primary Use:  Trenbolone acetate is one of the most well known, respected, and popular AAS used in BB’ing today.  This is not without good reason, as Trenbolone occupies a very unique place in the steroid world.  While most potent mass-building AAS tend to result in significant water retention, Trenbolone breaks the mold by providing the user with the best of both worlds; a steroid which not only causes substantial muscle growth, but also increases hardness, density, vascularity, and dryness at the same time.

It is well known as one of the best strength enhancers available, with many strength athletes considering it an indispensable part of their program.  As a recomping drug, it doesn’t get any better, as Trenbolone’s proven nutrient repartitioning capabilities have catapulted it to the top of the multi-billion dollar meat industry.  In terms of fat loss, again, Trenbolone has no equal, ranking at the very top of the list.  As effective as Trenbolone is from a physical standpoint, its effect on the user’s psyche are just as pronounced.

One of the main steroids responsible for coining the term “roid rage”, its ability to increase aggression/assertiveness and the alpha-male mind-set are almost unparalleled, being equaled only by Halotestin.  This steroid pairs well with nearly all AAS and can be put to good use in both the off-season and pre-contest.

One advantage of Trenbolone acetate not found with the other esters is its ability to rapidly clear the system.  This can be a benefit for those individuals who begin to experience uncomfortable side effects, as they will generally dissipate within just a few days of the final inject.  While many claim the drug to be unsuitable for beginners, such a broad statement is not always applicable.  Still, those individuals contemplating its use should educate themselves beforehand.

Anabolic-Androgenic Ratio:  500:500

Aromatizable:  No.

Progestagenic Activity:  No.

Methylated:  No.

Standard Dosing Range and Cycle Length:   Trenbolone acetate is most commonly dosed at between 200-700 mg per week for a period of 6-12 weeks.

Frequency of Administration:  Trenbolone acetate is normally injected every day to 3X weekly.

Trenbolone Acetate

Finaplex (also known as trenbolone) is a synthetic steroid which was once used in the agriculture industry to fatten livestock. The drug is a potent weight stimulant agent and can increase the appetite. Finaplex is an esterified steroid which enables it to act for a longer period of time.

Even though it was used as an anabolic agent, it is also a potent androgenic drug. It is only available as an intramuscular injection. As soon as it was realized that the drug had anabolic properties, the bodybuilders and other athletes started to consume it in large amounts. The drug does increase the body weight and muscle mass as long as the diet is rich in calories.


Like many anabolic steroids, Finaplex has similar activities. Besides increasing protein synthesis and muscle mass, the drug can also increase the numbers of red blood cells. This leads to a higher hemoglobin level and a slightly increase oxygen carrying capacity. The higher the dose, the more significant the effects.

Finaplex has never been approved in the treatment of any medical disorder. In animals, Finaplex when administered at low doses is found to be pretty safe but at high doses does possess potent side effects. The drug is no longer manufactured anywhere in North America.


The drug is still widely abused by bodybuilders to increase muscle mass. The question is whether it is really Finaplex that is being injected. Since the drug is no longer manufactured by pharmaceutical companies, all the production is done in SE Asia, Mexico and Eastern Europe. There are some clandestine laboratories that do make the drug, but the quality and purity of the product is in question. The drug when injected is slowly absorbed in the body and remains in the body for 3-7 days. Finaplex has been shown to increase protein synthesis and induce positive nitrogen balance.

Most bodybuilders claim that it increases appetite, decreases muscle breakdown and also helps recovery after injury.

At low doses, it is safe. Only at the very high doses is it converted into estrogen- which causes water retention and gynecomastia.

Over the years, Finaplex injections have become available in various formulations. All of them have an ester bond attachment. The longer this aliphatic chain, the longer is the duration of action. The short action Finaplex is quickly absorbed in the body after an injection and is excreted within 2-5 days. The longer acting formulations stay in the body for 6-12 days. Most bodybuilders inject themselves 1-2 times a week for 4-6 weeks.


Finaplex is only available as an injection. The dose of Finaplex is 200mg/week and is gradually increased to 1200mg/week. Because of the ester, it accumulates in the fatty tissues and is slowly released over time.

On cyberspace there are also Finaplex pills available. However, the drug is very poorly absorbed and immediately metabolized in the liver when taken by mouth. Thus, an oral supplement is not recommended.

The injection is usually done in the buttock area. One should not inject Finaplex in the arms or the abdomen because the injections can be painful and very uncomfortable. Because the drug is dissolved in an oily suspension, it is best to give small volumes of injections. Large volumes can cause pain. The site of the injection also has to be rotated to prevent the development of abscess. The other most common site of injection is the outer thigh.

Extraction from Pellets

Many years ago, Finaplex was manufactured as pellets which were placed under the skin of the livestock. These pellets contained the steroid which was then slowly released into the blood stream. Some bodybuilders have resorted to crushing the pellets and extracting the Finaplex with an organic solvent like DMSO. Once the extraction is done, the Finaplex is dissolved in a little oil – vegetable or sesame seed and injected. One can even apply the oil on to the skin. The extraction process is crude and home made recipes have never turned out to be effective. Applying Finaplex on the skin can result in absorption of the drug but this is unpredictable and the dosage absorbed remains unknown. And one has to apply it all over the body to get sufficient amount of Finaplex to be absorbed.


Finaplex is used to build muscle; the majority of users suggest cycling it with other steroids for a period of 3-6 weeks. The most common other steroids used with trenbolone are Dianabol and Anavar. Further, one needs to eat a diet high in calories to gain the weight. Others recommend Finaplex with Growth hormone/thyroxin at low doses. The main thing to note is that one should not take Finaplex for more than 4 weeks at a time. This increases the side effects and also leads to a suppression of testosterone levels. To avoid the suppression of testosterone, some even recommend starting clomiphene after a 2 week washout period.

Unlike many other anabolic steroids, Finaplex does increase the muscle mass, but it does not provide the increased surge in performance. Many experts recommend starting on this drug at the start of the sports season and combining it with other anabolic steroids.

Side effects

Like all anabolic steroids, Finaplex is associated with a number of side effects. In general, the drug is well tolerated and has minimal estrogenic effects. That is why it is preferred by the bodybuilders. The side effects include:

  • insomnia
  • high blood pressure
  • increased aggression
  • sweats
  • decreased/Increased libido
  • virilization
  • kidney damage
  • clitoral enlargement
  • cough
  • mood swings
  • deep voice

The majority of these side effects reverse once the drug is stopped. Some virilizing effects in females are not irreversible.

One annoying side effect of Finaplex reported by many users is that of a dry cough. The cough starts 2 weeks after the injection and is persistent. It is not associated with any fever or sputum production but occurs all the time. The cause of the cough is not known but believed to be due to a contaminant in the product or some type of reaction with the oily suspension. In a few cases, the cough does persist for a few months even after the drug has been stopped. Since many of these anabolic steroids are prepared in unsterile environments, the quality and purity of the products remain questionable.


There are reports that Finaplex can degrade with time. A few cases of kidney damage have been reported after the use of this steroid. The major problem is that because the bodybuilders take so many other drugs it is difficult to pinpoint the cause of the renal damage. Whether renal damage occurs or not, always make sure you inject a fresh product. If the oily suspension you have looks brownish and clumped, get yourself a new vial.

The drug can also alter the cholesterol levels in the body and lead to a future risk of heart damage.


There are a lot of sites on the internet who claim to have the real Finaplex. The drug is not manufactured by any pharmaceutical company and is presently being made in home made laboratories. While the product may be available, the scale, purity and quality are in question. There have been many reports of fake and contaminated Finaplex products on the market. One of the chief reasons why anabolic steroids fail to work is because the real steroid is not present as an ingredient. Many products bought from these internet sites have been examined and found to contain other products or contaminants. Since it is illegal to sell anabolic steroids online, it is doubtful that the real “Finaplex” is available. The only sure way to know is to analyze the steroid in a laboratory.

Even in the field of veterinary medicine, the drug is under strict control.

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