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    Equipoise is the brand name of the steroid Boldenone Undeclynate, which is a derivative of Dianabol made specifically for the veterinary industry, mainly for the treatment of recovery after injury or high exertion. However, the first human-grade variation came about in the early 50s, had some success in the 60s and 70s, and discontinued for medical use by the end of the decade. As it is more useful to inject horses every few weeks, the ester attached to the hormone is Undeclynate, which allows for much longer release times of up to six weeks.
    While Equipoise is a rough derivative of Dianabol, the effects are more similar to that of testosterone, but with lower estrogenic effects. However, although you are likely to pack on some mass with Equipose, it is better for performance enhancements such as strength gains, and usually stacked with other anabolic steroids. One thing that it is certainly very good for, though, is gaining an appetite.
    There are a few side-effects of Equipoise, as there are for all Anabolic steroids. However, it is tolerated pretty well by most men, and most women, providing there are low dosages involved. You can get acne and hair loss, but most side-effects are due to genetics.
    If you are looking for a tolerable steroid that you can use as part of a stack for big gains or one to use on-season without too much water retention or fat gain, then Equipoise may be the right one for you. However, as it was a veterinary steroid, you need to be careful where you get it from. Here at Steroids-USA, we only ever stock the 100% genuine product straight from the manufacturer.
    If you want more information about what you can use with Equipoise, or how to use it, including dosages and intervals, feel free to contact us.

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