
    Home 5 News 5 Steroid cycle for advanced users – Offering you to obtain the most intense benefits of steroids

    Steroid cycle for advanced users – Offering you to obtain the most intense benefits of steroids

    So, the discussion the best steroid cycles for advanced users has almost been made. The cycles highlighted in the above passages are truly effective but not suitable for everyone. By getting involved in any of these cycles, it’s for sure that advanced steroid users will obtain the best result.

    Do you consider yourself an experienced user of steroids? Are you enjoying the benefits of steroids and want to get involved in a steroid cycle that will provide you with more intense benefits? If the answers are yes, then you are in a need to switch to a steroid cycle that is perfect only for veteran users. Want to know about this type of steroid cycles? Read this article. Here, the information that you want to know is given.

    Some facts that you need to know

    Before making you know about the cycles that are the best for advanced users, it’s important to provide you with some pieces of advice. First of all, it’s advised to check your tolerance level before getting involved in this kind of cycle.  The steroidal substances that are used in an advanced cycle are quite potent and provide the best result to people who have an expanded experience with steroids. It’s also advised to consume these steroidal substances by maintaining proper dosage. As the supplements are potent, overdosage can lead you to face a number of complications.

    Not everyone has a need to move on to an advanced steroid cycle.  For people who are getting lots by maintaining a beginner or intermediate cycle, it’s would be better to stick with this instead of switching to an advanced cycle.

    An advanced cycle of steroids can cause an individual to experience some side effects. These side effects will not occur with the same severity in everyone. It has already been said that making the consumption of steroidal substances at proper dosage reduces the chances of experiencing these side effects. And, in order to avoid any further complications, it’s also important to pay attention to PCT.

    Now, it’s the time to provide you with information regarding the best steroid cycles for advanced users.

    The best steroid cycles for advanced users

    All anabolic-androgenic steroids are not suitable for everyone.  The steroidal substance that provides you with the best result may not be a perfect choice for another one. However, here a discussion on a few popular stacks is made.

    Androgenic cycle for advanced users

    People who are habituated with the consumption of androgenic steroids and want to attain more intense androgenic benefits can consider getting involved in the cycle discussed here.

    Time period

    Supplements and their dosages
    Weeks 1 – 10Equipoise 800mg per week, Testaviron depot 1000mg per week
    Weeks 1 – 5Dianabol 50-75mg per day, Testosterone suspension 100mg per day
    Last 4-6 weeksWinstrol 100mg per day, Trenbolone 150mg per day
    Throughout the cycle IGF-1 LR3 50-80 mcg per day


    This cycle is highly androgenic. It can cause users, even the most experienced one, to face some side effects. With the consumption of Arimidex 1mg on alternate days or Nolvadex 10mg per day, it’s possible to avoid these side effects.

    Advanced cutting cycle

    In order to get rid of obesity, people can get involved in a cutting cycle. For people who are already involved in a cutting cycle and want to gain more effective result can consider going through the cycle discussed here.

    Time periodSupplements and their dosages
    Weeks 1 – 8Equipoise 200mg every other day, Testosterone Enanthate 250mg every other day, HGH 4iu every day, and Arimidex 1mg every other day
    Weeks 9 – 14Trenbolone Acetate 100mg every other day, Winstrol 50mg every day, Testosterone Propionate 200mg every other day, Arimidex 1mg every other day, and HGH 4iu every day
    Week 15Trenbolone Acetate 100mg every day, Winstrol 100mg every day, Testosterone Propionate 200mg every other day, Arimidex 1mg every day, and HGH 4iu every day.
    Week 16Trenbolone Acetate 100mg every day, Winstrol 100mg every day, Testosterone Propionate 200mg every other day, Arimidex 1mg every day


    The last two weeks of this cycle are responsible for providing users with the ultimate dry and hard look.

    Bulking cycle for advanced users

    Individuals who have an expanded experience with steroids and want to get involved in a cycle which is extremely effective in bulking can consider maintaining the cycle discussed below.

    Time periodSupplements and their dosages
    Weeks 1 – 6Testosterone Enanthate 1000mg per week, Dianabol 100mg every day, Deca Durabolin 500mg per week, HGH 4iu every day, and Arimidex 0.5mg every other day
    Weeks 7 – 10Deca Durabolin 500mg per week, Testosterone Enanthate 1000mg per week, HGH 4iu every day, and Arimidex 0.5mg every other day
    Weeks 11 – 16Testosterone Enanthate 100mg per week, Dianabol 100mg every day, Trenbolone Acetate 100mg every other day, HGH 4iu every day, and Arimidex 0.5mg every other day
    Weeks 17 – 20Testosterone Enanthate 1000mg per week, HGH 4iu every day, Trenbolone Acetate 100mg every other day, and Arimidex 0.5mg every other day


    By getting involved in this cycle, every advanced user can add significant gains.


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